Gatescanner Mail Gateway Receives Cybersecurity Award: Secure Your Digital Infrastructure

The winners of the 20th Annual 2024 Globee® Awards for Cybersecurity were announced today with Sasa Software named second in the Email and Web Security category, and first in email security.

Sasa Software submitted its innovative GateScanner Mail Gateway solution for the protection of enterprise email, which for the first time offers Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) anti-malware technology natively embedded in a full-featured email gateway.

“We decided to offer our clients the power of CDR protection for email, not as a plug-in or an external service, but rather to build a complete email solution around it, in a true ‘Security by Design’ approach. Our security orientation was baked into every aspect of the product, not only into the CDR part, to ensure that we are delivering superior security in a complete package that can replace any mail gateway and security solution combination currently out there” says team leader for email product development at Sasa Software, Mr. Omri Ziv.

The solution can also be implemented as a SMPT relay, integrating seamlessly with existing solutions in the cloud, such as O365. GateScaner Mail Gateway was launched in 2023 and is already the choice of several large enterprises including one of Israel’s largest healthcare providers, protecting over 100,000 inboxes in the organization.    

For more on GateScanner Mail Gateway, and to request a demo, contact

Link to the GateScanner Mail Gateway product demonstration video

#Globee Business Awards #Globee Cybersecurity Awards #GateScanner Mail Gateway
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