Anti-virus Station: Removable media anti-malware scanning kiosk

GateScanner Desktop – Securing USB ports on computers and laptops

With GateScanner® Desktop, endpoint users can freely import files from removable devices (USB) to their workstations, or other network destinations, without compromising network security. The client-server application is triggered by the insertion of a portable device and proceeds to guide users through a controlled import process that is in full compliance with NERC CIP managed access requirements.

During the import, USB de-contamination procedures first identify and block any potentially rogue devices and then the selected files are sent to GateScanner’s multi-AV, Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) engine/s for deep file sanitization. At the other end, new and completely safe copies of the originals are generated, to be delivered to pre-selected destinations – with minimal delay.

GateScanner Desktop


  • Isolates and detects rogue devices (BadUSB, RubberDucky, BashBunny, hidden partition exploits, etc)
  • Performs threat scanning and data redaction on portable media directly from the user’s desktop.
  • Uses a non-system device manager to activate the desktop agent. 
  • Enables scanning in to and out out of the LAN.
  • Full AD integration.
  • Files are centrally scanned in the DMZ .

Key Technical Specifications:

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